Monday, December 8, 2014

Busy, Busy

Whew, it's been a super busy week! But first.....Hotty Freaking Toddy! How about those Rebels! Sure brought smiles to our faces! And our poor kids - we just wanted to watch the game! They were basically banned to their room for most of the game. Note to self: Next Egg Bowl find a babysitter. Ha! We dressed for the occasion game day and the following Monday!

And then we Christmasfied our house. Talk about exhausting. Next year I may hire someone. Oh, who am I kidding? I know I'll do it. I'm not the type to pay someone to do something I can do myself.

And then Monday was the Christmas parade, which was so good! I just love a parade. The band is the best part, hands-down! I'm a total band geek. I hope my girls will want to be in the band like their mama. Some of my best high school memories are from the band. Go Big Red!

Next up, dramatic haircut!
 I cut off 14 inches! It was time for a change, and it will grow back before I know it! I feel 30 now, which I will be in 12 days. I look forward to my 30s! I've heard they're the best years, so bring it on!  

Wednesday, Whit had four wisdom teeth cut out. It took 20 minutes! That dentist is making big bucks. Funny story: The lady came and got me because Whit was moved to recovery. I go back there, and she opens the curtain, and Whit sits up a bit and points at me and yells, "She's not my wife!"  LOL! What the heck!? I thought he was yanking my chain. Then he was out. Then he woke back up and said, "You're so beautiful." HAHAHAHA. He was a hoot. Kept wanting me to lay with him and touch his chin! But he's doing well now. This is just one of quite a few pics I snapped of him. I even have a few videos!

Next up was Ella's Christmas program. She was the perfect angel and did so good! The program was precious! She's the cutie pie in the middle!
I don't know if there's a time I'm not thinking of him. I keep trying to place him in our lives as if he were here. The girls have had colds. Ella's wasn't that bad, and then Ivy had it worse. I can only imagine how bad he would have had it if he were here. Our routine is still the same...2 kids in the house. After I bathed the girls tonight and got in the shower, I was thinking how I would have put him in bed with Whit until I got out. Whit goes to bed early because he has to open up the store at 2:30 a.m. On the rare occasion I cook supper, I think I probably wouldn't have had time to do this if he were here. Everything I do, I imagine if he were here. I mean, life would be crazy. Ella has a high bar of what fun is, and I'm to blame for that, but she constantly needs entertaining, and then there's Ivy. Yep, this little cutie below:
Don't let that cuteness fool you! She is a handful! Constantly into something, dumping something out, writing with a pen all over the couch or permanent marker on the kitchen floor, emptying the trashcans, the kitchen drawers, rummaging through the fridge, etc! You can't let her out of your sight. They have been so exhausting to me lately, and I can't imagine throwing a baby in the mix. Boy, it would have been some kind of chaotic. But I wanted it and still do. We would have made it, and all would have been okay, I know. Through all the mayhem, they are still some kind of precious and their hugs and kisses make it all worth it!
I go back to work this week, and I'm pretty excited. I love my job and the people I work with. But I've been working even though I haven't been in court. I had a 1,300 page transcript ordered right after Ace passed. I'll be working on that for a while, to say the least.
Things are as normal as they're going to get, I think. Every night when I go to bed, I say my prayers and ask God to give Ace kisses and hugs from his mama and tell him I love him. Then my mind wanders to what he's doing, what he looks like, if he's with other kids... Every night. Miss that little man. His pictures are starting to fill our house. Can't look at them without smiling. 


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